Sunday, March 29, 2009

One Pistachio Macaroon Please

so, spring break is over. not a whole hell of a lot was accomplished...oh well--it was nice to chill out for a week at home in the Lou. now, however, i am back to the reality of rent, papers (hw in general), and overall stress. YAY!..not!
all in all though, i would not have wanted to stay home any longer; i am ready to be back in Chi (perhaps not for the cold though!)

some things i've learned this SB:
-some of the best times happen in sweats and a tshirt
-hang out with the people you always say you will, but never get around to; you'll have more fun than you think
-even the smallest roadtrips can be incredibly fun
-a runner's high is the best medicine
-people come into your life just as quickly and easily as they leave it
-limp arm fights are the most painful/funny/entertaining way to bond
-be aware of your actions; they affect more than you
-when parallel parking, make sure to turn the steering wheel the correct direction (it makes it easier)
-don't try and "save" some guacamole; just eat it all
-showering is overrated (and harmful to the environment); shower less/waste less water :)
-not all doctors are scary
-find another bathroom if you hear people having sex in the first one (esp. if one of those someones is your brother)
-feelings for someone don't always appear slowly; sometimes they pop up out of nowhere...don't ignore them
-Twilight brings everyone closer
-a single macaroon from paris is probably the most genuine gift i've ever received
-you can't always depend on people; not even the ones that you think you should be able to
-keep sippy cup lids away from puppies
-one jacket is sometimes enough for two people...

one of my favorite songs has become the theme of my mood lately--if that makes sense.
the song: Danny's Song by Kenny Loggins
here are some lyrics:

"love the girl who holds the world in a paper cup, drink it up,
love her and she'll bring you luck."

i'm sure you've heard the song, and if you haven't LISTEN to it. it's so calming.

Update: the boy i blogged about last week (Antonio) has been located. his body was found by some kids in a creek. he was so badly beaten that they couldn't tell if it was a boy or girl. Antonio had been missing 2 weeks. his 2 kids now don't have a father.

jules (i-have-no-clue-what-i'm-doing-with-my-life)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! It seems my kind of trip. Where are you from specifically, gypsy? Where and why you camp in Chicago? I need you to read my hand and tell me where am I going next! :)
