Friday, March 6, 2009

Why Aren't We Angry!?

so i just saw "A Powerful Noise" and all i can say is: if and when it comes out to buy/rent, you MUST watch it. the movie is so incredibly awesome. i left the theater feeling empowered and just inspired. it's the most amazing thing to me, that a movie can make such an impact on someone--and this one for sure did.

i've been out of the country twice; once to england and once to sweden. ever since that first trip--that first taste of another culture--i have wanted to leave again. all this year i have been itching to get out, travel, help people, and DO something important. i'm not huge and muscle-y, but i'm able bodied and why not?! why not do something WORTH WHILE? there are so many more important things that i could be doing with my time and its frustrating because it all requires money--which i don't have. it's frustrating because i have nevvvver been so passionate about something. the only bright side: for once i know EXACTLY what my calling is.

so, since my little rant got off topic, i want to go back to my response to "A Powerful Noise." after some serious thought i've started to get a little upset. not just for the topics in the movie but for the response we give it.
-in Africa, 85% of child domestic workers are girls
-785 million illiterate adults in the world; 2/3 are women
-of the worlds 1billion poorest people, 60% are women and girls
-women work 2/3 of the world’s working hours, but earn only 10% of the income
-women produce half the world’s food, yet own only 1 percent of its land

WHY AREN'T WE FURIOUS? this should enrage people! what the fuck is wrong with us to just keep this in the dark and pretend like it's not happening. newsflash: just because we don't acknowledge it, doesn't mean it's not there. it's very serious and very real and yet a very small percentage of this country is as concerned and outraged as they should be.

please, next time you're complaining about homework or just about going to class in general, think about the kids all around the world that don't necessarily have the opportunity or means to go.

educate yourself. find out what's going on in the world. not everything that is of importance happens within the US. don't be ignorant. appreciate the privileges you have.

get informed. get angry. spread the word and DO something.



  1. Ok, now I believe you when you say you're a feminist... :)

    I really admire your sureness and passion about going abroad to do some good in behalf of other less fortunate people. Nonetheless, coming from abroad (and from a less fortunate country than U.S.), I have always wondered about why that almost furious tendency of most good-hearted Americans about, when wanting to do something kind for Humanity, going to some isolated and poor corner in the World; my point is, there are so many things to do right here, instead. Being a powerful country doesn't mean being a fair, balanced or flawless country.

    My situation is similar to yours: I'm kind, passionate and possess many useful skills that could be even more useful helping people in remote places; but I don't have the resources to go there, even less a good job or a fully developed career as for being sure that helping other people won't kill myself of starvation or deprivation. Thus, what is left is trying to do my best in the spot and time where I'm situated, even if that means just being kind to my neighbors or chatting with lonely people in the parks.

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