Monday, May 3, 2010

Dear Ignorance,

Some of my mom's friends who are die-hard conservative Republicans seem to think she is as well. So, every once in a while, she gets a crazy anti-this, anti-that e-mail that she shares with me to get my blood boiling. I, personally, can't stand the thought of knowing that someone thinks I'm something that I'm not, but in order to keep the peace, my mom just deals with it.

Recently she sent me this forwarded email entitled "We Noticed." 
I have filled in my own responses...

This was originally written 
by Sherry Hackett, Buddy Hackett's widow.

President Obama:
Today I read of your administrations' plan to re-define September 11 as
a National Service Day. Sir, it's time we had a talk.

During your campaign, Americans watched as you made mockery of our
tradition of standing and crossing your heart when the Pledge of Allegiance
was spoken. You, out of four people on the stage, were the only one not
honoring our tradition.

America is supposed to be the "melting pot." This means that not everyone will have the same religion. Having said that, why should someone be forced to comply with the "traditions" of a religion that they do not follow...The Pledge of Allegiance is a cult-like chant to God, and if you're religion does not follow God, then why say it?

YES, "We noticed."
During one of your many speeches, Americans heard you say that you
intended to visit all 57 states.

YES, you're a moron.
Obama never seriously said that there were 57 states. It was a joke. He was remarking on how lengthy his campaign trail had the video below, he even cracks a smile. Perhaps you robots can't pick up on things like humor...

We all know that Islam, not America has 57 states.


YES, "We noticed."
When President Bush leaned over at Ground Zero and gently placed a
flower on the memorial, while you nonchalantly tossed your flower onto
the pile without leaning over.

YES, you're a moron.
Are we seriously nitpicking at the technique in which he placed a flower onto a pile of flowers?...

YES, "We noticed."
Every time you apologized to other countries for America 's position on
an issue we have wondered why you don't share our pride in this great
country.. When you have heard foreign leaders berate our country and
our beliefs, you have not defended us. In fact, you insulted the
British Crown beyond belief.

YES, you're a moron.
Why not apologize for America's screw-ups? We are not perfect, and we should not parade ourselves to be. People respect honesty.
"Share our pride..." ? Should we be proud that we're killing millions of innocent people (both Americans and non) ?

YES, "We noticed."
When your pastor of 20 years, "God-damned America " and said that
9/11 was " America 's chickens coming home to roost" and you denied
having heard recriminations of that nature, we wondered how that could
be. You later disassociated yourself from that church and Pastor
Wright because it was politically expedient to do so.

YES, you're a moron.
So, the only reason he disassociated himself from the church/Pastor was for political backing?...The idea that he was just as outraged as anyone else by the comment is just too out there isn't it--because if he left the church because he was offended that would ruin your whole argument about how he is un-Patriotic.

YES, "We noticed."
When you announced that you would transform America , we wondered
why. With all her faults, America is the greatest country on earth.
Sir, KEEP THIS IN MIND, "if not for America and the people who built
her, you wouldn't be sitting in the White House now." Prior to your
election to the highest office in this Country, you were a senator from
Illinois and from what we can glean from the records available, not a
very remarkable one.

"With all her faults, America is the greatest country on earth."--Um...that doesn't even make sense.
I would like to take a guess: I would suspect that 75% of the people who think America is the greatest country in the world have never been to a different country...
To me, living in a country where not everyone can get married does NOT make it great.
To me, living in a country where being female means you make an average of 75cents on the dollar does NOT make it great.
To me, living in a country where being of a non-caucasian race determines your job/salary/worth does NOT make it great.
To me, going to war, spending ourselves into debt because of it, and killing innocent people (of all denominations) does NOT make it great.

YES, "We noticed."
All through your campaign and even now, you have surrounded
yourself with individuals who are basically unqualified for the
positions for which you appointed them. Worse than that, the majority
of them are people who, like you, bear no special allegiance, respect, or
affection for this country and her traditions.

YES, you're a moron.
Joe Biden:
-one of the youngest Senators in history.
-one of the longest serving Senators in history.
-former chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee which helped bring US military assistance in the Bosnian War
-former chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee which dealt with issues related to drug policy/prevention/civil liberties and led to the creation of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act and the Violence Against Women Act.

Nancy Pelosi:
-the 1st female Speaker of the House (which means she is next in line for the Presidency after Biden)
-having said that, she is the highest ranking female politician in American history.
-the 1st female in US history to hold the position of House Minority Whip (second in command to Minority Leader)
-the 1st woman to lead a major party in the House (as Minority Leader)

Gosh, they sound so unqualified...

YES, "We noticed."
You are 14 months into your term and every morning millions of
Americans wake up to a new horror heaped on us by you. You seek to
saddle working Americans with a health care/insurance reform package
that, along with cap and trade, will bankrupt this nation.

YES, you're a moron.
This nation was heading toward bankruptcy LONG before Obama was elected. No single person is to blame for the debt that we're in. It is a snowball effect.

YES, "We noticed."
We seek, by protesting, to let our representatives know that we are not
in favor of these crippling expenditures and we are labeled
"un-American","racist", "mob". We wonder how we are supposed to let
you know how frustrated we are. You have attempted to make our protests seem
isolated and insignificant. Until your appointment, Americans had the right
to speak out.

YES, you're a moron.
Peaceful protesting is one thing. Throwing bricks through politician's office windows and placing coffins on politician's front lawns is a completely different story. The reason you are being labeled "un-American", "racist", and "mob" is because you are acting like that.

YES, "We noticed."
On September 11, 2001 there were no Republicans or Democrats, only
Americans. And we all grieved together and helped each other in
whatever way we could. The attack on 9/11 was carried out because we are

YES, you're a moron.
This is perfect proof of the problem with our country. It took a violent attack on our soil to bring us together...and how long did that last? maybe a year or two...then we went back to "us" and "them." Times of tragedy shouldn't be the only times we are united.

And YES, "We noticed."
There were many of us who prayed that as a black president you could
help unite this nation. In six months you have done more to destroy
this nation than the attack on 9/11. You have failed us.

YES, you're a moron.
PLEASE don't bring race into this. Race has NOTHING to do with qualification, expectations, or duties.
Also: what exactly has been destroyed since Obama has been president? The insane number of people without healthcare? Because millions of people now have healthcare and 98% of working Americans got a tax cut because of Obama.

YES, "We noticed."
September 11 is a day of remembrance for all Americans. You
propose to make 9/11 a "National Service Day". While we know that you
don't share our reverence for 9/11, we pray that history will report
your proposal as what it is, a disgrace.

YES, you're a moron.
Oh please! Because of this whole flower ordeal you think he doesn't care about 9/11? Get a clue. Stop scraping for reasons to lash out at him. He's doing something respectful and honorable and you're trying to say it doesn't make a difference because he doesn't "share your reverence" ? How would you know?! I sincerely doubt that.

YES, "We noticed."
You have made a mockery of our Constitution and the office that
you hold. You have embarrassed and slighted us in foreign visits
and policy.

YES, you're a moron.
Obviously, ordering the closure of the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp is an act of mockery against the Constitution.
Obviously, signing the reauthorization of the State Children's Health Insurance Program (that provided coverage to an additional 4 million otherwise uninsured children) is an act of mockery against the Constitution.
Obviously, proposing new regulations on power plants, factories and oil refineries in an attempt to limit greenhouse gas emissions and to curb global warming is an act of mockery against the Constitution.
Obviously, signing the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act (which expands the US federal hate-crime law to include crimes motivated by a victim's actual or perceived gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability) is an act of mockery against the Constitution.
Obviously, trying to repeal stupid legislation like "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is an act of mockery against the Constitution.

Wow, all those things really embarrass and offend me...OH WAIT--no they don't. And those are just a FEW of the great things he's done.

Educate yourselves people.

YES, "We noticed."
We have noticed all these things. We will deal with you. When Americans
come together again, it will be to remove you from office.

Stop trying to be intimidating, it's not working.

To Sherry Hackett: 
you look like a moron.

Yours Truly & pusshej,

ps--my responses were the ones in blue...if you couldn't guess lol

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Freedom of Speech Should Have Purpose

right now, i'm pissed.
right now, i'm sad.
right now, i really don't even know where to begin.

this entry is about politics. so if you want to stop reading now i'll understand, but i hope you read it to the very end.

i am not ashamed of my political views so i'll just say upfront for those of you who are reading and don't personally know me.
i'm a democrat. i'm a liberal. but most importantly, i think for myself.

i come from a catholic family.
i went to PSR, i had my first communion...i hated it. to be fair, i've come to dislike most religion, not just catholicism, but that's a different story.

my mom is not very religious anymore, but my dad still is. i'm giving all this background so i can firmly say that i did not just follow my parent's political ideologies. my mom is a democrat, my dad is a republican.

i have lived in missouri, illinois, and tennessee and have been exposed to many differing political views. having said that however, i'd like to say that TN has been the most different. (different doesn't mean bad...just for clarification lol)

the one thing i've noticed, no matter where i am, is that there is always ignorance. BOTH in democrats and republicans. what i, and probably tons of other people, find irritation is when those people make an ass of themselves and give their respective parties a bad image. EDUCATE yourselves people! i don't care if we have different views or similar views, all i care is that you have REASON to back it up. please don't just rely on mean comments. i'm STILL talking to everyone, regardless of party affiliation.

currently, i've been hearing and reading "the president is a douchebag" or "the president is sooo stupid"---THESE TYPES OF COMMENTS DON'T PROVE ANYTHING. if you think the president isn't doing a good job at least state something factual, name-calling is just incredibly pointless. and yes, i know just as many democrats were saying similar things during the Bush administration--but i don't approve of them either.

i think EVERYONE who chooses to speak without thinking is not worth hearing.

just this morning i saw a Fan page on facebook called "i hate it when i wake up in the morning and Barack Obama is president."
as much as i hate to see things like this, i can't do anything about it. it's freedom of speech, just like me writing this blog right now.
however, being the curious person i am, i wanted to see what types of things were being said in said group.
the majority of what i read was just what i was afraid of.

here were a few things i read:

Alex G. says: "Of course hes still blameing Mr. Bush! All him and his "people" can do is blame others for their problems!"

Ryan W. says: "is it possible to just slap the hell out of Obama, i just want to full swing bitch slap Obama. Slap that SOB so hard god damn bob dole feels it."

Bartolo Z. says: "f*** obama...tht piece of sh**"

Justin A. says: "i just know we got a N***er in office and he did what ll of em would do bribery,mafia type shit and people act like he is God well in my own mind F**k that!!!!"

@Justin A., Hunter H. says: "i agree justin .. i mean come on look at JFK he was fckin russian mafia and he got his head blown off .. im just surpised the kkk hasnt knocked him yet"

@Hunter H., Jan B. says: "yeah the good ole boys might be ridiing some time, just sayin!"

Alicia P. says: "people only wanted him president because hes black, now that he is president everyone hates him and they feel stupid as hell."

i do believe that people who voted for Obama solely because of his race were in the wrong--however, people who did NOT vote for Obama solely because of his race are just as much in the wrong.

all of these comments really made me sad/angry, but the comments that pushed me overboard, however, were in regards to sexual orientation.

in response to the so-called idiocy of "fixing something that isn't broken (don't ask, don't tell)" this is what was said:

Sam H. says: "All the social studies show that outward homosexuals throw a wrench in the combat effectiveness of close quarter squads. Being sensitive and politically correct isn't worth risking lives."

@Sam H., Joe T. says: "maybe the answer is to put the outward homos on the first wave during an attack"

this was the straw that broke my back and that literally brought tears to my eyes. i'm ashamed, appalled, and offended by the people who can say such nasty things about fellow Americans.

please, please, please--think before you speak. educate yourself--this only makes you sound more credible and intelligent!
it's almost expected to offend certain people because of differing views, but please do not offend people just because you think you have the right. it's rude, and only makes those people want to lash out and find a way to hurt you like you hurt them--and that is NOT the way to stand united.

talking shit about a politician, political group, or any group of people for that matter, doesn't prove a point or validate your opinion in any way.

don't abuse your right to freedom of speech.

if we, AS A WHOLE, do not stop firing hurtful words at each other, we will NEVER be able to save our country from the racism, sexism, heterosexism, ageism, etc that enables our division.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Vienna waits

Slow down you crazy child
You're so ambitious for a juvenile
But then if you're so smart tell me why
Are you still so afraid?
Where's the fire, what's the hurry about?
You better cool it off before you burn it out
You got so much to do and only
So many hours in a day

But you know that when the truth is told
That you can get what you want
Or you can just get old
You're gonna kick off before you even get halfway through
When will you realize...Vienna waits for you

Song: Vienna by Billy Joel

below is a link to the song. the background has nothing to do with it, i just figured it's better than watching lyrics scroll up.

this is one of my all-time favorite songs. it also happens to be a song i feel like i can relate to fairly often. this may not hold true for everyone, but this song calms me down. it's soothing, and i sometimes listen to it on repeat for god knows how long.

currently, i have it on repeat.

it is the beginning of the semester and i feel like i have jumped into the deep end of the pool that is education (and i'm not much of a swimmer).

for those of you who don't know...i am a women studies major. i had planned to add english as my 2nd major in order to teach at a high school level after graduation, however something changed last week.

when i received the news friday that i would NOT be acquiring extra financial aid this semester i was a wreck.
i was told that i would be receiving a little over $2,000 for which i planned to pay sorority dues, pay off my credit card (from books), and pay my roommate back.

however, i have found that this email was a mistake. in fact, i owe UT $100 still.

in my attempt to NOT break down in tears while crossing campus i headed towards the theater for a informational meeting about the happenings of this semester.

i could tell right away that i was the only non-theater major in attendance, but it did not bother me. i felt comfortable and at ease. these have always been my kind of people.

by the end of the meeting i spoke with a faculty member about the possibility of minoring or majoring in theater.

what i noticed, was that my mood changed instantly once i entered that theater. and my mood changed instantly when i considered adding theater to my education. i had not entirely forgotten my money woes, however, for the time being, i felt content.

i have since decided (with the help and encouragement of my mom, brother, and best friends) that theater will be my 2nd major, not english.

i have a full 18-hour schedule this semester (including intro to theater) and could not be happier...well, about school.

as for money, that's a different story.

i am hoping to get a job at my apartment complex which would provide me with free rent (and would be a huge life saver). i should find out by the end of the month, so keep your fingers crossed.

all in all, i am trying to cut out as much of the unnecessary costs in my life as possible.

which means Kappa.

i have come to terms with the fact that i have to drop Kappa. i am behind on dues as it is and i see no light at the end of my money tunnel. i will miss most things about Kappa, however, at the same time, i will have more time for the job (possibly making me more eligible) and for my 2nd major.

i know that the handful of girls i have gotten close with in kappa will still be around, so, i think i will be alright.
it just always seems that i am making decisions based on what i SHOULD do, and not what i WANT to do.
i am ruled by practicality.
however, i think this is why i am so excited about theater. it is not practical at all. i have no clue what i'll do with women's studies and theater, but i'm equally passionate about both areas, and for once i am doing what i WANT, and it feels great (combined with paralyzing fear of what i'll do upon graduating...).

so for those of you who make the logical decisions every day of their life like me, please--do yourself a favor, try doing what you want for once. it's terrifying but so worth it. now i'm not saying base every decision off of want! that'd be crazy!!! lol

just test the waters.

in limbo jules

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Wanna know something!? Well, I'm Gonna Tell You Anyway!

i have just beasted my paper on Women in Islam--no need for applause, really.

i have been living off of pasta and grilled cheese sandwiches for, ooh, i'd say three months. donations to help the poor (aka moi) will be accepted and can be sent to:

The Girl Who Lives in the Box
The Corner of 16th and Cumberland
Knoxville, TN 37916

i decided to attempt "no-shave november" this year.

i have accomplished it.

surprisingly, it's not so bad. except for the fact that it is socially unacceptable to wear a dress with 1/2" long leg hair to class...the good news: i've saved a lot of money on razors (you thought i was going to say car insurance, didn't you?)

unfortunately, now i am so impressed/disgusted with myself, that i still have not shaven for the sole reason that i want to show my mom when i get home thursday.
fortunately, my hair has not been prickly since probably november 10th, now i'm just fuzzy and that takes me back to my good old hairy childhood...

i have my women's history final tomorrow and then i am peacin' out of knoxvegas. 8 hr drive here i come.

special thanks goes out to the Spice Girls and Girl Talk for making this finals week that much more bearable.

zachie comes home january 5th and i plan to monopolize every minute of his visit. it's subway and wonder pets all day, every day, zach. get pumped.

a rather content jules

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

These Kids Are Bombarded

What happens is this: i read an article online and i get upset (because of the topic).
then...i read the comments left on the article by various readers--and this is where i get fired up.
i get angry at the ignorant things people say.

most recently, i have read this article "Sexting-Related Bullying Cited in Hillsborough Teen's Suicide."


i suggest that you read the article, but to give you the sparknotes version, a 13 year old girl named Hope sends a boy she likes a picture of herself topless.
the picture gets sent all over her middle school and even the high school.
Hope is bullied, ridiculed, and tormented at school by her peers.
she is called a whore and a slut.
she starts cutting.
school officials find out at the end of the school year and decide to suspend her for the first week of the following school year.
she is also not allowed to run for the leadership position she has held in her school's FFA organization (in which she has excelled).
nothing is done to the students who were responsible for the mass spreading of the pictures.
Hope meets with the school counselor very often and the counselor has her sign a faux contract--a "no-harm contract"--that says she will never cause harm to herself, she will always go to someone for help.
Hope's parents are not notified of this.

Hope hangs herself in her room.

now, i don't think that any one person is at fault for this tragedy. i think it is a combination of things, and you are more than welcome to disagree. however, most of the comments on the article were very hard to read for me. almost every one wanted to point the finger of blame at a specific person. "it's her parents" "no, it's the counselor" "it's public schools" "no, it's the government"...etc
i do believe that Hope's parents should have been notified of her situation. i also believe that there could have been something done about the constant bullying. according to the article, Hope's friends would have to surround her and escort her through the halls, all the while others called her names.
i do struggle with the schools actions in the situation as well. by punishing Hope, and, therefore, giving the situation school-wide attention, she was only moreso victimized. being suspended (more than 3 months after the actual incident) and not being able to run for her position in the FFA were all punishments, and punishing a victim is like saying "you deserve what is happening to you." and what happened to the bullies? i think you can answer that one...

however, i have to defend a few points.
in many of the comments people were saying "she's a kid, and kids make mistakes". this should not offend me, but it does. i think it is a common misconception that "kids" make mistakes. unless i'm living in a different world from everyone else, i have observed that EVERYone makes mistakes. regardless of age. and that is okay. mistakes are necessary. we need to make mistakes in order to learn from them. a person's mistakes and what they take from those experiences are what make them them!

also, many people blamed the public school system, and trashed public schools in general. now, i'm biased because i went to a public school, but, i am so so so grateful that i went to a public school. i'm not saying that public schools are perfect, but what school is? in fact, of the private schools i know of, they are just as "bad", if not worse, than the public schools i know. just as much drug use, alcohol use, teenage pregnancy, bullying, etc.
the type of school rarely determines the quality of students in social settings. there are mean kids wherever you go. there are kids that will put down other kids in every school across the country. i know this to be true, because i've learned that it is NOT just a middle school or high school thing. there are mean people, and there are bullies, that are fully grown adults--out in the world, tearing people down. it is what we teach our kids and what SOCIETY teaches as acceptable and unacceptable that determines what type of person you will be.
all i'm saying is: private doesn't mean better.

another common thread in the comments was that Hope's parents should have monitored her better; that all parents should monitor their child's every move. put blocks on their internet access, only allow them a phone without a camera, etc.
whereas i see the thought process behind this, this is not the answer. yes, you should always know where your child is going, and who with, and for how long (or roughly), but you cannot monitor them all day, every day. it's just not possible. and if you were to, you would be showing that you have no trust in your child to make the right decisions. and is this not just a way of saying you're (the parent) not completely confident that you have taught them well?

let's say you do, however. you've found a way to completely monitor your child--cellphone minutes counted, texts read, internet locks...what happens when they leave the house? i'll tell you, they're bombarded. bombarded with tv commercials, magazines, billboards, movies, SOCIETY. all of which are sending them mixed messages. ads showing what "beautiful" women are supposed to look like, magazines that tell you "100 ways to turn your man on" or "how to GET a man"..., movies that display raunchy sex scenes--in a good light.

however, this is NOT reality. in our sex-obsessed society young girls and women are trapped between a rock and hard place.
being too sexual makes you a "whore"--BUT--being too reserved makes you a "prude." and BOTH are negatives. we can't win.

we're taught it's "unladylike" to sit with your legs open, to dress "slutty", to sleep around.
but on the other hand, we're taught that you have to primp yourself up, SEX yourself up, to get a man.

(disclaimer: i am NOT saying this is true for all men...but most)
now, on the contrary, men have their cake aaaand eat it too.

men are taught that the more women you get, the more "manly" you are. you're praised for scoring well with the ladies...
some women may consider these guys "sluts" but other than that, most will praise them for being a "player"...

several comments from females spoke of how appalled they were that a girl would send such pictures. they said she should have more respect for herself.
well, to this i say, it's easier said than done.
for women--of all ages--respecting yourself is one of the hardest things to do. i'm not sure if i know one woman who is completely comfortable with her body--which is a BIG part of respecting yourself, because if you don't find yourself beautiful, you are apt to do things that make you feel beautiful even if it's only for a little while. and i'm not saying that is what Hope did, but perhaps getting attention from a boy made her feel beautiful, i'm not sure, it's just a thought.
so for those who think it was shameful of her, think before you give out advice. like i said, it's hard for women of all ages to respect themselves, and i would imagine it would be even more difficult for a girl of 13 who hasn't fully grown into herself physically or psychologically. after all, at that age, you're still becoming you...

when will we learn that we're sending mixed signals to our girls--and practically from birth!

be thin/ be curvy
big butts are sexy/ "look at her fat ass"
have sex... but not too much

stop gendering. it's only ruining everything.

a rather dismayed jules

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I Just Don't Get It

*NOTE: this is just a picture off of google. none of the specific people i am referring to are pictured. this is purely for a visual example.

Okay, there is not much meat to this aggravation, so i'll jump right on in.

since halloween only just recently passed, i have seen many photo albums dedicated to the evening uploaded onto facebook.
i have seen FIVE "trailer trash" costumes. all of which are girls that are pregnant and have a black eye.

WHY do we insist on stereotyping that this is what "trailer trash" means?
WHY do we even stereotype people "trailer trash" in general?
WHY do we think a pregnant woman with a black eye is funny?!?

i'm getting seriously irritated by our country's assumed sense of humor.

stereotypes, especially the negative ones, are not funny.



a much irritated jules

Saturday, November 14, 2009

So Proud

Just check out this article:


Monday, November 9, 2009

Running on the Treadmill that is Life


Lip Sync went well. the first night was not so great...the second night was kickass. we got 3rd place (out of 13)--it's not first, like the last couple of years, but it felt like first to us. a lot of hard work was put into it and it sure paid off.

Take Back the Night was a great success. we had probably about 200 people there and a police escort. it was very cool. quite a few differences from what i'm used to. we did not walk with candles, but with signs that read different statistics or just power words/phrases. it was also a silent march, which was a really cool addition.
after the march we had a candle vigil, and then an event called Speak Out, where we had four speakers: 2 women from Safe Haven (a women's shelter) and 2 female police officers.
at Speak Out we also presented the shirts that were made during the week for the Clothesline Project (each color stood for a different type of abuse, and people could decorate them however they wanted).
following Speak Out, we let everyone write a word or a story on a piece of paper, tie it to a balloon, and they were released all at once.

Little Shop of Horrors was alright. i give it a 6--but i critique pretty harshly. however, allll of the male actors were fantastic. so, props to those guys!

initiation was awesome! i adore my kappa sisters, and especially my Big, Anna. she's the best. i couldn't ask for a better Big.

there is too much to say about halloween weekend with olivia. i had SO SO SO SO SO much fun with her. i hope she enjoyed it here as much as i enjoyed having her here. hopefully next fall she'll be going to UT and we'll be living together!!!

this past weekend my daddy came to visit! it definitely made my week. i really needed to see him. however, i think i've gained about 15 pounds from going out to eat so much!

this week is going to be rather stressful. i'm not anticipating it at all. BUT there are only 3 weeks of school left, which is SO nice. after this week we have a little over a week until thanksgiving, and then a little over a week and then it's CHRISTMAS BREAK!!!

unfortunately i won't be home for t-day, so i am looking forward to xmas even moreso than i usually do (which is a lot).

alright, that's it. i have to go read.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 a nutshell

hey all, sorry it's been forever since i blogged. this semester has been cuh-razy, and i just need to get back in the swing of things.

NEXT WEEK, my dearest olivia is coming to visit me in tennessee! i can't frickin' wait! she's getting in thursday and going to Take Back the Night with me, and then we are going to see Little Shop of Horrors at the Clarence Brown. theeennn, friday she's going to classes with me, and then i must leave her and go spend friday night-saturday morning getting initiated into kkg. BUT--after that, we're tailgating, going to the UT vs South Carolina game, and then it's Halloween night! yay! even though i still don't have a costume...

also next week, is Lip Sync. each pledge class is competing and i can't wait! so pumped. the show is tuesday the 27th and wednesday the 28th. hope we win!

as i previously mentioned, Take Back the Night is next thursday, and i am super stoked about it. i'm on Women's Coordinating Council and i am actually on the committee for TBTN, so it's really exciting. Jenna and Kiersten, i wish you could be here with me! hopefully our candles will stay lit this time! lol

this past weekend (including thurs/fri) was fall break. i was pretty much the only person left in knoxville, but it was kinda nice. i spent a lot of quality time with my friend Netflix and roamed around knox. i went to Market Square (pictured above) for the first time and they played Indiana Jones on a big screen outside. it was so cute. it's a little courtyard that has shops and restaurants on all sides. whilst there, i met a very nice woman and her daughter and their dog--i wound up going for a walk with them all around downtown knox for about 2 hours. it was really nice, and we exchanged numbers so that we could get dinner sometime!

in other news, the Blues have had a pretty good start to their season!: 3-W, 4-L. sooo happy that my team is finally steppin' up.

also, i am SO in the holiday spirit! i can not contain my excitement for thanksgiving and christmas for some reason. it doesn't look like i'll be home for thanksgiving :( but i'm still trying...

cross your fingers that i find a good job, and SOON. rent doesn't pay itself and i need gas in my car...especially if i want to get home for t-day.

welllll i think that's it for now.


Friday, September 18, 2009

No love for PETA


i have always been disappointed by PETA, and i hate that i'm giving them the attention they want by writing about them, but i just can't stand it anymore.

countless ads by PETA have been offensive in many ways. most of their ads are extremely sexist and some are even racist. i am all for being vegetarian, but this is such an offensive and inappropriate way to get the message out there. i, personally, was never swayed by PETA to even consider being a vegetarian. what got me was actually the book Skinny Bitch (i'm not too fond of the name...but it's a great read) by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin.

PETA creates ads that they know will be banned in order to get the publicity. i think this is a cheap way of getting attention. if you have a cause worth fighting for, there should be no need to partake in such a pathetic, cop-out, technique as to spread the word.

for instance, on PETA's website, in the "banned commercials" section, there are two PSAs. one by Casey Affleck and one by Alicia Silverstone. PLEASE watch them both...and just observe what you see.

Too Hot for TV: PETA's Banned Ads

Too Hot for TV: PETA's Banned Ads
is Casey naked? is Casey climbing out of a pool? is Casey eyeing the camera seductively?...i'll save you the time. answer: NO. to all.

if you haven't seen many PETA ads, just go to google images and type in PETA ads. 95% of them will be naked or half naked women...

just this past year PETA came out with a commercial for the super bowl which was knowingly banned...
i really don't think i'm over-reacting when i say that it is disgusting.

'Veggie Love': PETA's Banned Super Bowl Ad

PETA ads have been known to display women dressed as animals in cages, or scandily clad like in the above video.

the most recent ad that they have put out has shocked me even more...not only is it sexist, but it is downright MEAN.

in PETA's press release it just gets worse...

"...A new PETA billboard campaign that was just launched in Jacksonville reminds people who are struggling to lose weight — and who want to have enough energy to chase a beach ball — that going vegetarian can be an effective way to shed those extra pounds that keep them from looking good in a bikini. The ad shows a woman whose “blubber” is spilling over the sides of her swimsuit bottom...Anyone wishing to achieve a hot “beach bod” is reminded that studies show that vegetarians are, on average, about 10 to 20 pounds lighter than meat-eaters."

"Trying to hide your thunder thighs and balloon belly is no day at the beach," says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman.

looking good in a bikini should NOT be the reason you eat healthy. being HEALTHY, should be the reason you eat healthy! PETA, however, knows that our society is one that, unfortunately, strives for the "ideal" body. this is just absolutely awful to target women who may, or may not, already be self conscious about their weight. to all women in general! to reinforce the idea that we should be obsessed with losing our "blubber", as PETA puts it, and getting that "hot beach bod" that they tell us we should have, is just horrible. this is the type of thing that just perpetuates awful body image problems, which, in turn, affects things like eating disorders and confidence.

i'm down off of my soap box now...

a much frustrated jules