Friday, September 18, 2009

No love for PETA


i have always been disappointed by PETA, and i hate that i'm giving them the attention they want by writing about them, but i just can't stand it anymore.

countless ads by PETA have been offensive in many ways. most of their ads are extremely sexist and some are even racist. i am all for being vegetarian, but this is such an offensive and inappropriate way to get the message out there. i, personally, was never swayed by PETA to even consider being a vegetarian. what got me was actually the book Skinny Bitch (i'm not too fond of the name...but it's a great read) by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin.

PETA creates ads that they know will be banned in order to get the publicity. i think this is a cheap way of getting attention. if you have a cause worth fighting for, there should be no need to partake in such a pathetic, cop-out, technique as to spread the word.

for instance, on PETA's website, in the "banned commercials" section, there are two PSAs. one by Casey Affleck and one by Alicia Silverstone. PLEASE watch them both...and just observe what you see.

Too Hot for TV: PETA's Banned Ads

Too Hot for TV: PETA's Banned Ads
is Casey naked? is Casey climbing out of a pool? is Casey eyeing the camera seductively?...i'll save you the time. answer: NO. to all.

if you haven't seen many PETA ads, just go to google images and type in PETA ads. 95% of them will be naked or half naked women...

just this past year PETA came out with a commercial for the super bowl which was knowingly banned...
i really don't think i'm over-reacting when i say that it is disgusting.

'Veggie Love': PETA's Banned Super Bowl Ad

PETA ads have been known to display women dressed as animals in cages, or scandily clad like in the above video.

the most recent ad that they have put out has shocked me even more...not only is it sexist, but it is downright MEAN.

in PETA's press release it just gets worse...

"...A new PETA billboard campaign that was just launched in Jacksonville reminds people who are struggling to lose weight — and who want to have enough energy to chase a beach ball — that going vegetarian can be an effective way to shed those extra pounds that keep them from looking good in a bikini. The ad shows a woman whose “blubber” is spilling over the sides of her swimsuit bottom...Anyone wishing to achieve a hot “beach bod” is reminded that studies show that vegetarians are, on average, about 10 to 20 pounds lighter than meat-eaters."

"Trying to hide your thunder thighs and balloon belly is no day at the beach," says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman.

looking good in a bikini should NOT be the reason you eat healthy. being HEALTHY, should be the reason you eat healthy! PETA, however, knows that our society is one that, unfortunately, strives for the "ideal" body. this is just absolutely awful to target women who may, or may not, already be self conscious about their weight. to all women in general! to reinforce the idea that we should be obsessed with losing our "blubber", as PETA puts it, and getting that "hot beach bod" that they tell us we should have, is just horrible. this is the type of thing that just perpetuates awful body image problems, which, in turn, affects things like eating disorders and confidence.

i'm down off of my soap box now...

a much frustrated jules


  1. Holy crap. First of all, this post is awesome. Feministing is my new favorite website (since a girl in my women's studies class over the summer pointed it out to me). Second off, you make a valid argument. I've never paid much attention to PETA, other than that my sister is a supporter. But seeing this is absolutely disgusting. It's wonderful that they are willing to try to change people's minds about animals, but not about our own social stigmas. Great job, PETA. Kudos.

  2. thank you for this post, julianne.
