Friday, April 17, 2009

Stop and Smell the City...

hey all--i have SOOOO much to do this weekend/month/last-bit-of-school...
i would much rather be out smelling the roses...or in my case, smelling the city? which, is actually not bad; it's rather nice.

this is just an idea of my saturday:
-get up at 6am
-leave the apt no late than 7am
-run in the Wrigley Start Early 5k to prevent child abuse at 8am
-go home/shower/get cleaned up
-meet Kelley in Wrigleyville at Pick Me Up (yum yum yum!) for lunch at 11am
-go walk the dogs that I am sitting and play with them from 2-3pm
-meet up w/ Stevie downtown
-take Stevie to Wicker Park, maybe Belmont, then back to my apt

baaaahhhhh and somehow fit in all of my hw that i need to finish.


good news is: i opened a savings account at fifth/thirds bank yesterday and bought new shoes today at Akira for $30! woot woot!

to do:
-get recommendation letter from teacher back home to send to UTK
-send outline for powerpoint to group member...
-create rough draft of the event invitation for group project (and eventually the final draft)
-write rough draft of my integrated marketing final paper (and eventually the final draft)
-write paper for class monday
-sell my books from AI and Columbia

my detox is going well, although i haven't run for the past 3 days and my 5k is tomorrow morning... :/
also, the blues did not win their first playoff game against the Vancouver Canucks...better luck w/ game 2 tonight at 10pm!


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