Monday, September 14, 2009

kanye, kanye, kanye...

hey all,
so tonight was the MTV Video Music Awards, and i was pretty stoked, since i love allll award shows, but particularly because this one is about music--which i loooove.

anyways, mr. west, who is known for his ranting at award ceremonies, did not let us down. after the FIRST award of the night he graced us with his oh-so-charming presence...

taylor swift, such a sweetie (i say this as if i know her lol), won best female music video...WELL, in the middle of her speech kanye gets up on stage, takes the mic from her, and says something along the lines of: "congrats, but beyonce had the best video and she should've won."

d. bag.

however, later on in the night beyonce won best music video of the year and SHE said something along the lines of: "i remember when i won my first moonman with destiny's child when i was 17, so taylor come have your moment." and so she let taylor come back on stage and give her acceptance speech. so cute.

beyonce, good PR.

lady gaga had a kickasssss performance. so creative. mad props gaga. although, her outfits were gettin' a little ridic. also, highlight of the night for me, personally. when gaga accepted her award she said: "this is for god and the gays." love her.

pink frickin' blew my mind. she did cirque de soleil crap up above the crowd while singing--SUPER impressive. but please, lose the weird pastey...

adam brody siting. first in a long time. presented an award with megan fox. sorry megan, you're beautiful and all, but when next to dear adam brody...well, my attention is elsewhere.

also, a smoking hot new trailer for New Moon was released during the award show and it rocked. can't WAIT for it to come out. suppppposedly, knoxville was chosen to be one of the premiere sites for it---i know, my jaw dropped when i heard it too.

in other news, sort of...rumor on the street is that Rpatz and Kristen-i-had-a-lobotomy-Stewart are engaged. which, all i'm sayin', is that it could be really awkward for her when i have his baby...

now for a few personal updates:
-still unemployed...with rent due in a little over 2 weeks, sorority dues due this past week (still haven't paid...obvs), and too much on my credit card...
-loan problems up the yin yang...hopefully this time it will go through. cross your fingers everyone (all 2 of you that read my blog)
-i'm leaving for florida in 2 weeks, just for the weekend. going to disneyworld with my mom, and miss olivia is going to meet up with us--SO excited. i need a vacation. and i need to see liv.
-i am hoping to join the Womens Coordinating Council. i submitted my application and have an interview tuesday. wish me luck.
-i am running for an exec. position on the Jr Panhellenic Committee. again, wish me luck, my interview is next tues.

hmm...i think that's about all.
i'll try and blog more. i know i've been slacking.


1 comment:

  1. sounds like things are going pretty well and your getting involved--minus the money situation of course.

    keep me updated!
