Thursday, May 7, 2009


246, that is the number of children who now have food to eat for a year.

today i volunteered for an organization called Feed My Starving Children.

we packaged a rice/stew mix that has been scientifically created to help those suffering from malnutrition and starvation. it's 100% vegetarian and not too bad (we got to try it).

i worked for 2 hours and in those 2 hours my table alone packed 21 boxes of food. that is 756 bags of food total. each bag is enough to feed a family of 6.

now that is just what my tiny group of 10 accomplished. overall, in that 2 hour block, a total of 280 people volunteered and helped package food. all in all, we packaged over 80,000 bags of food. that is enough to feed 246 children for a year.


also, this organization has been pairing with Willow Creek Community Church (where i volunteered) for the past 4 weeks. this is the final week for packaging food. as of now they have packaged 4.2 MILLION bags of food.

i only wish i could hand deliver it all to those kids in Zimbabwe.

if you're interested in volunteering for FMSC at any time here is their site:

i haven't felt this good in a while. i recommend it to all. :)



  1. i am so proud of you.
    you are an incredible person. and i'm happy to call you my friend..! <3

  2. WHAT I WROTE IN A COMMENT ON THAT YOUTUBE VIDEO: (It wouldn't allow comments unless they were approved)

    I think that this video is rude and obnoxious. Her blog isn't hurting anyone and it's not right to mock someone's blog. A blog is meant for someone to write what they want and it is for themselves and THAT is what she is doing. I think what she writes is deep and wonderful and if other people have a problem with it they should keep it to themselves.

    [I love you Julianne, please don't let an asshole stop you from writing.]


  3. i'm sad that you have stopped writing.... i want to follow your life!!
