Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I Just Don't Get It

*NOTE: this is just a picture off of google. none of the specific people i am referring to are pictured. this is purely for a visual example.

Okay, there is not much meat to this aggravation, so i'll jump right on in.

since halloween only just recently passed, i have seen many photo albums dedicated to the evening uploaded onto facebook.
i have seen FIVE "trailer trash" costumes. all of which are girls that are pregnant and have a black eye.

WHY do we insist on stereotyping that this is what "trailer trash" means?
WHY do we even stereotype people "trailer trash" in general?
WHY do we think a pregnant woman with a black eye is funny?!?

i'm getting seriously irritated by our country's assumed sense of humor.

stereotypes, especially the negative ones, are not funny.



a much irritated jules

Saturday, November 14, 2009

So Proud

Just check out this article:



Monday, November 9, 2009

Running on the Treadmill that is Life


Lip Sync went well. the first night was not so great...the second night was kickass. we got 3rd place (out of 13)--it's not first, like the last couple of years, but it felt like first to us. a lot of hard work was put into it and it sure paid off.

Take Back the Night was a great success. we had probably about 200 people there and a police escort. it was very cool. quite a few differences from what i'm used to. we did not walk with candles, but with signs that read different statistics or just power words/phrases. it was also a silent march, which was a really cool addition.
after the march we had a candle vigil, and then an event called Speak Out, where we had four speakers: 2 women from Safe Haven (a women's shelter) and 2 female police officers.
at Speak Out we also presented the shirts that were made during the week for the Clothesline Project (each color stood for a different type of abuse, and people could decorate them however they wanted).
following Speak Out, we let everyone write a word or a story on a piece of paper, tie it to a balloon, and they were released all at once.

Little Shop of Horrors was alright. i give it a 6--but i critique pretty harshly. however, allll of the male actors were fantastic. so, props to those guys!

initiation was awesome! i adore my kappa sisters, and especially my Big, Anna. she's the best. i couldn't ask for a better Big.

there is too much to say about halloween weekend with olivia. i had SO SO SO SO SO much fun with her. i hope she enjoyed it here as much as i enjoyed having her here. hopefully next fall she'll be going to UT and we'll be living together!!!

this past weekend my daddy came to visit! it definitely made my week. i really needed to see him. however, i think i've gained about 15 pounds from going out to eat so much!

this week is going to be rather stressful. i'm not anticipating it at all. BUT there are only 3 weeks of school left, which is SO nice. after this week we have a little over a week until thanksgiving, and then a little over a week and then it's CHRISTMAS BREAK!!!

unfortunately i won't be home for t-day, so i am looking forward to xmas even moreso than i usually do (which is a lot).

alright, that's it. i have to go read.
