Thursday, August 20, 2009


this song is my mind/life right now.
Her Morning Elegance by Oren Lavie
it's a great song and it's also one of my favorites.


Friday, August 14, 2009


today was the day from helllllllll

everything is going wrong and proving more difficult than i could have ever imagined.
i'm rushing a sorority this i had to provide previous attended college transcripts...
i went through hell trying to get my AI transcript to the recruitment people on time and i thought that the worst was over.
turns out i was sooooo wrong.

i should've known today would be crappy.

the first thing that happens is encountering 2 protesters outside of the reproductive health clinic down the street from me. they were reading from the bible and talking at me as i walked by about how bad abortion is. it really makes me sad that people fear what they don't know--and that their solution is to eliminate or "fix" the "problem". there is so much confusion when it comes to the never-ending debate over reproductive rights. i get so frustrated because it's about women's freedoms and rights. just because i'm pro-choice, doesn't mean i'm ANTI-life. people aren't even arguing about the same thing. i don't think that everyone should just run out and have abortions left and right, but i think that we as a country should put a little more faith in women and trust them to make their own decisions.

soorrrrry, done ranting about that...

i went to student services to find out how much i needed to make my loan for after my pell grant and unsubsidized and subsidized loans. well before i left i wanted to double check that i was in the system for late orientation because it's the 17th and i havent gotten any emails or anything about where i should go and at what time.
so the woman was like you have to go to blah dee blah room. so i did. and they said that i hadnt registered. since when do you register for orientation?! and why didn't they tell me that a month ago when i was here and found out that i missed my original orientation?!
well anyway, the only reason i even have to go to orientation is to meet with an advisor so that i can register for classes (which already was going to suck seeing as i'd meet w/ one 2 days before school started). BUT, according to the cute boy behind the desk, my dept's advisors are busy until AFTER school starts...seriously, seriously? so he said to register online...i went home and registered. it cost me $40. i still dont know if i have an appt w/ an i may have just paid $40 for nothing.

also, my loans aren't covering my rent this year, so i need to find a job ASAP. i have a little saved up, but i don't want to deplete my funds before securing a job. i applied at buffalo wild wings and chili's thinking bar/restaurants bring in good crowds during football season. buffalo wild wings didn't seem promising because they had just hired people about 2 weeks ago, but that they said they'd call if someone didn't work out...yea right.

then chili's seemed promising. they said they were hiring when i asked and the girl who had me fill out an application yesterday said to come back today and talk with someone. well i did and turns out that girl didn't have the authority to say that and they are all hired except possibly daytime shifts...which is when i'll be in class.

sooooo now, i don't know where i'm working, much less where to APPLY; i don't know if i'll be able to register for classes--or even start classes when i'm supposed to; and i don't know what the hell im doing with all this sorority stuff. i feel a little out of my league.

my day wasn't over though. i decided to treat myself to takeout. chinese food just puts me in a good mood...well when i came back, my swipe key for my apartment wasn't working, and the office was already closed. so thankfully my roommate hadn't gotten to far yet and came on back to let me in.

soooo all in all, i have accomplished very little. instead, in the past 2 days i have watched the first 2 seasons of Weeds--which i recommend to all--it's wonderful.

tomorrow: i get my loan figured out (knock on wood), start job hunt part deaux, and have my recruitment welcome meeting...

wish me luck...
